Ready, get-set, go!!! The DHS is getting ready to mine the e-verify databases created by employer input for evidence of employers hiring practices. When an employer enters employee information into e-verify, the system gives back either a go-ahead or a notification that the employee does not appear to be employment eligible. Now the DHS is taking that a step (or many steps) further. It seems that the DHS wants to data-mine” the information keyed in by employers to check up on employers: how many are consistently inputting “non-verifiable” employees? Are employees being terminated when they are not verifiable as being work authorized or are they still working for the employer? Employing the police powers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the enforcement arm of DHS, the USCIS is turning over e-verify data to ICE to investigate and possibly raid and apprehend workplaces suspected of harboring “illegal” aliens. Stay tuned for more information on this important immigration and civil-liberties issue.